Jason Winters

Elevate Your Business: From Stuck to Strategically Aligned!

Get on-demand virtual coaching to revolutionize your business strategy, provide unwavering support, and keep you accountable. And most importantly the mindset and energy work exactly when you need it so you can be aligned and take action to reach your goals.

I see you…

You’ve collected wisdom from the industry’s finest– the likes of Amy Porterfield, Stu McLaren, and James Wedmore, and you’ve attended more webinars and workshops than you can count.

You’ve become so proficient in setting up systems, crafting sales funnels, and developing marketing strategies that you could almost teach these concepts yourself.

You’ve been working hard and invested time, energy, and resources into your education and growth, and made countless sacrifices along your journey.

There’s no doubt about the depth of your commitment, but when it comes time for implementation, you feel stuck.

You intuitively know that something is still missing.

You know that the answer is NOT another shiny object, reprioritizing your to-do list, or consuming more content and inspiration from your favorite YouTube University gurus.

Deep down, you know that you have an incredible offer and ideas to share with the world, but you often doubt every decision, and it can be hard to clear the noise and see or even find a clear path ahead.

You’re busy doing #allthethings but still aren’t making enough money in your business.

How do I know this?

Because I’ve been there–feeling stuck, taking all the courses, webinars, workshops, and masterclasses!

You know you need 1:1 support, feedback, and accountability to keep moving forward and reach your goals but even that feels scary.

But for a moment, just imagine if you…

Are You Ready to Rise Above the Rest?

The Coach’s Hotline

The Coach’s Hotline is your exclusive access to a business strategist, coaching, and, most importantly, mindset and energy work like EFT Tapping! You gain boundless check-ins, direct support, advice, guided accountability from a seasoned coach who empathized with your journey and empowers you to achieve tangible results in you business.  

Harness the power of exclusive 1:1 Voxer Coaching, where you can communicate, strategize, and collaborate through audio, text, and images. This is the support you need, exactly when you need it, empowering you to convert your business visions into a triumphant reality.

With the Coach’s Hotline, your success is just a button press away


Unleash Your True Potential 

Imagine having a clear strategy in place to fuel your online business growth on your terms.

Embrace advice, gain crystal clarity, and experience breakthroughs that propel your business to unprecedented heights.


And for those crucial moments when you need to realign your energy, an EFT Tapping coach will be at your side, supporting your limitless transformational journey.


Now is the time to elevate your business like never before.

Get ready to:


“Jason is an excellent coach and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the convenience of Voxer coaching. I can talk about my concerns, symptoms, ask questions etc… all on my own schedule. For me and my crazy busy life and schedule it is THE best way for me to be coached. So glad he introduced it!”

Renee Hughes
Business Coach
@The Aromaspecialist

Renee Hughes

Business Coach @The Aromaspecialist

Skyrocket your business

Get 1:1 access to me via Voxer Monday-Thursday from 9 am-5 pm EST

You get to pick my brain or chat with me about anything related to your business alignment and strategy, implementation, money mindset, content creation, marketing, email marketing, and all other things coaching business related. We will establish S.M.A.R.T. goals and establish accountability checkpoints to ensure you reach your goals with solid intention.

(I only accept 5 Qualifying One:One Clients A Month)


In the Clarity phase, we'll work together to define your destination by setting crystal-clear business goals. By establishing powerful intentions, we'll chart the course for how you'll construct, grow, and scale your business, ensuring it aligns with the life you aspire to lead.


In the Shift phase, we pinpoint and tackle your blocks—be it fear, self-doubt, overwhelm, procrastination, or imposter syndrome. By addressing and shifting these barriers, you'll discover that you possess all the tools and resources necessary to seamlessly achieve your goals on your terms.


In the Implementation phase, we solidify your progress, ensuring there's no room for self-sabotage or regression. This pivotal step ensures you fully embody and embrace your new approach, leaving you feeling confident, resourceful, and empowered to sustain momentum and thrive in your business journey.

Your Exclusive ACCESS & SUPPORT Includes

Sometimes you really just need someone in your corner holding a space with zero judgment to share how you really feel and what you deeply desire so you reach your goals with intention.


“Working with Jason will change your business for the better and make you a better coach. It’s nice to have your coach be your cheerleader!

–Kim Hynes

This 1:1 Private Business Coaching Container is a great fit for you if:

The Coach’s Hotline is not a good fit if:

Here’s my promise to you…

When you sign up for the Coach’s Hotline and commit to reaching out when you’re stuck, struggling, or needing support in your coaching business, I will be by your side. I’ll help you overcome obstacles as they unfold and help you head them off. I’ll be with you when you are frustrated and need to vent, and together we’ll keep working to shift your money mindset and empower you so you can confidently build, grow, and scale your coaching business without sacrificing your values.

Stop feeling like you’re alone and isolated as you work. With The Coach’s Hotline, the struggle is over! Reach out today, and let’s get started!

I’ve been where you are now…

From an early age, I was drawn to big, bold, audacious goals. The thrill of setting these goals was exhilarating, but when it came time to put them into action, distractions always seemed to arise. As someone acutely attuned to the emotions and needs of others, I frequently found myself torn between my ambitions and a compelling desire to please people around me. This emotional tug-of-war left me feeling overwhelmed, seeking approval from others, and struggling with a sense of unease.

To cope with these feelings, I sought solace in food and, later, shopping and other unhealthy habits. I was seeking something external to dull my internal turmoil, not realizing that these were mere band-aids, unable to address the root of my struggles.

Seeking answers, I enrolled in a nutritional coaching school. This provided a much-needed awareness of my relationship with food and money. However, understanding alone was not enough. I knew that I needed to dig deeper, to do the inner work, but I didn’t know how. This left me feeling lost and broken.

And then, I found Tapping.

Utilizing EFT in my personal and business life was transformative. As I used it more intentionally, my confidence began to soar. The more I healed, the more my life improved. Lifelong issues seemed to dissolve, and my life took a turn I had only dreamed of.

This profound transformation sparked a passion within me: to help others experience similar changes in their lives. Now, I guide people toward their goals by helping them gain extreme clarity about what they truly desire in life, health, and business. We then work together, leveraging the power of EFT to clear any obstacles standing in their way.

Witnessing others achieve success at this level has been an absolute joy and honor.

Are you ready to reach your goals and experience deep transformation?

Join me on this journey. I assure you, the best is yet to come!

What others are saying about Jason’s coaching…


“As a coach you have to be able to recognize and pull in the resources you need to be a better coach. Jason’s good about helping you create personalized breakthroughs. He’s excellent at listening and asking those good questions.”

–Stephanie Oden


“Thank you, Jason, for your Voxer support. The prompt responses made me feel like I had exclusive attention. As soon as a business thought or question popped into my mind, I could express it, and hearing your verbal responses gave it a nice personal feel.”

–Luis W.


“It’s been transformative to me. It’s been absolutely life-changing.



“Just being able to learn how to get out of my own way, get more comfortable in my skin and knowing how to get there, to have another tool to help with mindset and release. Working with Jason has really helped me upgrade my coaching!”

–Renee Hughes

Got Questions?!
I’ve got answers 🙂

Got Questions?! I’ve got answers 🙂

Absolutely anything you’d like! This is the perfect time to ask any and all questions about anything you might be struggling with in your online business. Even if you just want someone to bounce ideas off, I’m here for you!
I specialize in releasing money mindset, building a solid business foundation on your terms and around your lifestyle, attracting clients instead of chasing, marketing, time management, creating digital products, content creation, launch planning… the list is endless, and it will be tailored to you and what you personally need.

Since we will be talking through out the week there will always be points when our time zones will over lap with an exclusivity feel. We will be maintaining a easy ongoing conversation through out the week so time zone pressures won’t be an issue.

We choose a start date, and once that date rolls around, you have unlimited access to me Monday-Thursday between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm EST via the Voxer app. Coaching and support on-demand!

It’s very easy to use, and no worries, I can help you with getting to know the app and to use it effectively for our coaching.

On my ‘coaching days’ and within the hours of operation, I respond within a reasonable timeframe. (Normally within a few hours) My coaching clients are my number one priority. The beauty of Voxer coaching is that instead of having to wait for a coaching call, you can send questions as they come up and receive feedback and detailed responses back. You can also take feedback and advice and take time to implement it and report back your results so we can work together on your next move! I will answer all of your questions within 24 hours

I’ll reach out to answer any questions you might have, and then if we decide it’s a good fit, I’ll send over onboarding documents to sign and an invoice.

There will be times I will reach out to you to support you or hold you accountable on your journey. Majority of the time you will reach out to me to get the support you need around specific issues, vent out your emotions, and address the blocks keeping you from staying motivated and taking aligned action.

This is a month-to-month subscription service, so as long as you’re in need of support and finding the program beneficial, I’ll be right there by your side!

I don’t offer refunds because I want you to stay totally, 100% committed, take ownership, and utilize the option to reach out whenever you need to. However, you can always cancel the subscription, and it won’t renew for the following month.

At this time, Voxer is the primary method I use because it allows instant messaging both through voice and text, and my clients thoroughly enjoy the ease of use. I am able to use What’s App if requested.

I’ll just respond back to you the next day during our chat window of time. If you book a day session with me, you can message me any time leading up to the coaching day, and I’ll reply in our window of time.
However, if you need to message me after our coaching session(s) are over and the program is complete, you can email me to book an additional package at any time.

We’ll be exchanging messages at a slow and steady pace throughout the day, but this won’t be a day-long coaching call. One of the best things about the Day of Voxer is that it gives you time to digest, implement and take action on the things we work on. You’ll want to make sure you have enough time to listen and reply to messages, time to reflect, and make notes, but they won’t be too time-consuming.

If you have additional questions, contact me or shoot me a message on Instagram 🙂


“I’m really thankful to Jason for making me identify and clearly see the blocks I was having, like self-doubt, procrastination issues, and limiting beliefs. I wouldn’t have identified these blocks in such a short time if I hadn’t worked with Jason. I had so many breakthrough points!”


Ready for Unlimited Virtual Coaching and Your Breakthroughs?

With the Coach’s Hotline, help is just a button press away!

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