Jason Winters

From ANXIETY to Relaxed, Calm, & Peace.

Have you ever had a big “aha” moment from a random conversation? A friend of mine was telling me about an athletic event where the athletes put on weighted vests and then run all over creation in the blazing heat. She was amazed at how much those 20 pound vests impacted these world class athletes. They were genuinely struggling to complete the course and I completely understood how they felt.

You might not see the connection right away, but it’s there, and it’s big. You see I used to wear a vest that was weighed down with all the pressures, anxiety and stresses of my life, and I didn’t know how to put it down. So as time went on and one thing piled on top of the other, I noticed myself struggling more and more. Things that used to be easy became things that I dreaded. I just didn’t have the energy. I was running out of steam.

Tapping changed everything for me. I had been carrying so much for so long that it had become my ‘normal’. I didn’t understand how much weight I was lugging around day and night. I just thought something was wrong with me because I was struggling. I didn’t consider myself an anxious or stressed out person.So the question is: how much does your vest weigh? But more importantly, when was the last time that you took it off?

Anxiety is real and we all live under a ton of it! No one is exempt. But you don’t have to struggle with it. You can learn how to put it down! EFT Tapping is proven to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm by 40% in just a few minutes and the effects of tapping last for over 24 hours. But it’s the way that EFT tapping can reprogram your nervous system and how your body physically processes anxiety that will change your life in a dramatic way.

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had just half the anxiety you are experiencing right now? Think of how it would affect your energy or your attitude or relationships if you had less anxiety every single day? Let me tell you, it is a game changer! I want that for you too! So I made this video so you can experience how EFT tapping can reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm for you!


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