Jason Winters

How to Do EFT Tapping for Emotional Healing: Step-by-Step Guide

They say that acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step. That might be true, but for many of us, it isn’t the hard part. Figuring out what to do about our problems can be the real challenge. I know for me; it involved a lot of trial and error. So when I found something that really worked and has the power to transform, I had to share it with as many people as possible. That is why I became an EFT Tapping practitioner, and that is why I made this video guide for you.

Although our society has made massive strides in discussing mental and emotional health, there is still an enormous stigma when it comes to talking about what we are doing about it. It is socially acceptable to talk about our diagnosis and the struggles that come with it. But there is shame and resistance to openly discussing what we are doing to treat the problem. Therapy, medication, workshops, techniques, dietary changes, whatever we do to improve our mental and emotional health. We tend to shy away from talking openly about that part. This can cause us to feel that we are facing our problems alone; I know I did.

The truth is, improving our mental and emotional health doesn’t have to be painful or take a really long time. There are tools, like EFT, that we can use to support our healing process and reduce the amount of stress, fear, doubt, overwhelm, and anxiety we face daily.

EFT is free, easy, and gets terrific results within minutes. In the video below, I walk you through step-by-step how to do EFT. Most people notice an increased sense of calm just by tapping these points as I teach them to you. You can also check out my YouTube channel, where I demonstrate actual EFT sessions on a wide range of emotions and topics, such as anxiety, stress, grief, pain, body shame, and more, so be sure to check them out. They changed my life.


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