Jason Winters

“I learned how to show up consistently…in all areas of my life.”

“Jason helped me recognize and move past the limiting beliefs and amazing business. I am grateful that Jason helped me with personalized breakthroughs that lead to being a better coach.”

“Jason helped me recognize and move past the limiting beliefs and amazing business. I am grateful that Jason helped me with personalized breakthroughs that lead to being a better coach.”

“Working with Jason has upgraded my coaching!”

“Working with Jason will change your business for the better and make you a better coach.”

“Working with Jason will change your business for the better and make you a better coach.”

“Learning EFT got me through a very tough time in life. It has been transformative!”

I was able to identify the most effective strategies to move my business forward with the help of tapping.

“Tapping has really changed a lot of things for me. It’s actually the best thing that I ever got that I had no idea I needed. This has changed the way that I process stress. Sometimes in the midst /of a crisis, I would feel as if I couldn’t figure out what to do with vyself. I couldn’t figure out what to do with that fight or flight feeling I was feeling inside of me and aside from just doing some deep breathing, I didn’t have another technique to use, and EFT has really given me the ability, something quick,, something I can go to right away. I’ve learned ho to really access the story behind the stress because it’s the story behind the stress that really matter.”

Chatone Morrison

Confidence Coach & Author


Thank you for all the help you gave me. Not only the emotional support coaching, but for YEARS in my business when I couldn’t or wouldn’t invest in myself. Jason helped me hold on as I grew. This has helped me at a totally different level. I’ve learned the importance of investing in myself and › my business with the right people. I don’t know where I’d be without your coaching. I really appreciate Jason and I had to share that this month I had my first $20k month. It’s crazy what has happened with my business and your coaching and support was a big part of it

Happy Client

Aromatherapy Coach


Thank you for all the help you gave me. Not only the emotional support coaching, but for YEARS in my business when I couldn’t or wouldn’t invest in myself. Jason helped me hold on as I grew. This has helped me at a totally different level. I’ve learned the importance of investing in myself and › my business with the right people. I don’t know where I’d be without your coaching. I really appreciate Jason and I had to share that this month I had my first $20k month. It’s crazy what has happened with my business and your coaching and support was a big part of it

Happy Client

Aromatherapy Coach

*Testimonials don’t guarantee any particular results and the results described in the testimonials are not necessarily typical.

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