Jason Winters

The Truth About Grief – How EFT Tapping Can Help The Grieving Process

The Truth About Grief

Grief is a hard thing to talk about. There are no right words to say. There is no way to share or lessen the heavy load that comes with the loss of someone you love. Even the most expressive people find it difficult to put into words how grief feels and what is going on inside their hearts. I believe that is a big part of why it can be so difficult for us as humans to process grief. Another factor is that no two people process grief the same. This makes grief a unique experience for us and that can cause us to feel isolated and alone in our grief. But is that true? Are we alone in our grief?

The truth is that we all experience loss and grief in our lives many times over. We all know the pain and anguish that comes with it. Although we may not have the same experience with grieving as anyone else, we all have the shared experience of knowing what it is to grieve. Despite the fact that grieving is a very difficult and painful process, grief itself is not necessarily a traumatic event.

The trauma that we can experience because of grief comes from not knowing how to let go of something that is already gone. Learning how to let go, to release the pain and hurt and all the emotions brought on by grief allows us to move through the process.

Releasing any judgments that we may have about the loss allows us to find understanding and through that understanding we can find peace. Giving ourselves permission to grieve, no matter what that might look like for us, stops us from suppressing our emotions and getting stuck in the hurt or overwhelmed by the pain.

How EFT Tapping Can Help You Process Heavy Grief

It takes time to navigate the process of grieving, but thankfully there are tools like EFT Tapping that can make the process so much easier. Tapping allows us to release our emotions and process our grief in a way that is safe and brings us a sense of calm and relief. Tapping allows us to connect with and process through our emotions even when our words fail us. We can find that same sense of peace and calm just from tapping while thinking about the situation.

I have created this YouTube video on Overcoming Grief and Loss so that you can experience for yourself the power of using EFT Tapping to help you release and process through these difficult emotions. Do not allow yourself to get stuck in grief. Give yourself permission, right now, to start releasing all the emotions that come with grieving. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel by the end of this video.


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